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What about porous tiles?

What about porous tiles?

Many roofing companies will tell you the roof gets porous when the coating wears off. This is probably the biggest myth used to sell roof restorations and overpriced or unnecessary repairs. It is more of an exaggeration than an outright lie, you see, a new tiled roof has a protective glaze on its surface. This glaze wears off after about 8 – 12 years, exposing the oxide coating underneath. This coating gradually wears away (U.V rays break it down, and small amounts of the oxides wash off each time it rains), so some bare concrete will start to appear at around the 20 – 25 year mark. Some roof restoration salesmen will tell you that this means your roof is porous, and that in enough rain, water will soak all the way through your tiles, causing leaks.

While, yes, concrete is porous, the concrete used for roof tiles is so dense that water will never soak all the way through the tiles. There are benefits to re-coating your roof tiles but preventing leaks is not one of the benefits.

Home owners all over Australia are being sucked in by exaggerations of minor problems, sales tricks, or outright lies. You see, roof restoration is one of those industries that, unfortunately, attracts rogues and “fly by nighters”. This is because most people are unable to get on their roof to inspect it’s condition, so the rogues prey on trusting people by inventing problems that don’t exist, selling over-priced roof restorations to honest, hard working people who don’t need and can’t afford such expensive “repairs”.

Our roofing consultants and estimators will take pictures and video of your roof to show you any issues. May often use Facetime, Skype or other video calling tools to show you issues they may find while on your roof and communicate the pros and cons of various solutions to you while you are in the comfort of your own home.


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Hi I'm Justin Eldershaw the Founder and Managing Director of Reliance Roof Restoration. I hope you enjoy visiting our website and please feel free to contact me or one of our friendly staff if you have any questions on roofing or roof restoration.